Everyone Needs the Gospel

One Mission-Different Areas

Building One Kingdom - Love -Liberate- Lead -Launch

Utilizing all resources to Promote and Expand the Kingdom of God on Earth!


New EDM, POP, World artist R.F.W. is bringing a new flavor to the music industry; creating feverish dance music with powerful encouraging lyrics. R.F.W. released his first single, God’s Glory, in February 2016 and his second release, Holy, in April 2016; and they were met with rave reviews from fans.…

Angie Cleveland

Beginning  at the age of three years old, this South Carolina native acquired  piano teaching from her late grandmother. Every member of her family is  musically inclined. Angie realized the Levitical gift on her life in  high school when her music teacher discovered Angie had “perfect pitch.”  God established her…

Danever Scott

“Music is the poetry of the air.” “After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music,” and Danever expresses his music well. Danever  Scott has been singing since the tender age of seven. Discovering this  passion opened a brand new world for the Kingston, Jamaica born musician…