Pete Mark Everton Williams

Markev’s Biography Pete Mark Everton Williams  (stage name Markev) was born on July 26, 1991 at the Mandeville Public  Hospital to parents Michael Williams and Paulette Mitchell. Growing up  in the community of Scott?s Pass, Pete was a well behaved child.

Because  he went to church every Sunday morning, Pete had a close relationship  with God and because of this he gave his life over to Christ and was  baptize at the age of 10. Pete started to write songs when he was in  grade eight, but he did not take his song writing serious until he was  in grade nine.

He used the name Young Apostle when just started song  writing but later changed it to Markev. This name was formed from his  two middle names Mark and Everton. After fasting and praying for a  breakthrough for years Pete got his answer from God when he met producer  Kevin Butler (Lazarus) of Lazarus Musiq in 2010 on facebook and August  of 2011 Lazarus produced Pete?s first single Step Inna Church.

Pete is  very dedicated in his ministry and is willing to go where ever God wants  him to go. He started the Northern Caribbean University and currently  taking a break from school to focus more on his calling. Pete is hoping  to bring the gospel to the four corners of the earth.

Pete recently put a  band together called the Indibuilding Band. This is his personal band.

Contact Information: Facebook,   Twitter,  YouTube   Reverbnation

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